Thursday, October 20, 2016

Core De Force Sneak Peek and Launch Group!

I can't wait to start another program! You can really fall in love with fitness, it really is possible! You just have to find something you love. Seriously, who doesn't love to kick and punch?! Now, we're going to have an entire mixed martial arts inspired library at our fingertips! I'm just as excited about this program as I was about Insanity Max 30 :) Details coming at ya

30 day program, 7 days/week!
Workouts are 30 - 45 minutes long
Challenge packs release 10/31/16
Base kit releases 11/1/16

Sneak Peek! 

There will be a FREE sneak peek workout on Beachbody On Demand, Monday, October 24th only! 

The first sneak peek workout I did left my upper body and core screaming! I could feel after one workout that this program is going to make major changes to my body. You definitely want to check this one out! Just follow the link below for more info and to get started!

Launch Group!

If you love the way Core De Force makes you feel after the sneak peek and you want to give this program a try with me, let's do it! Our private Facebook launch group will start on November 1st for a week of prep before we kick off our programs together on Monday, November 7th. It's my goal to provide you everything in our group to set you up for success! From there, it's up to all of us to support and motivate each other to stay balanced over the holiday season. We CAN! I'll provide you with daily tips, motivation and accountability and we won't have that extra 10 pounds to start the new year with. ;) It will be our "Year End Resolution" challenge! 

Follow the link below for more info and to get started!