Saturday, January 23, 2016

5 Day Clean Eating Menu: Monday - Friday!

Easy and Yummy 5 Day Clean Eating Menu

Part of what I love about running 5 Day Clean Eating groups on Facebook is being able to show people that, YES, you can EAT with a clean eating lifestyle! We eat a lot. Clean eaters basically plan our entire days around food! And I love to see people discover how awesome your body feels when you eat this way. You simply have more energy when you don't bog you body down with chemicals in processed foods. Your body works so hard to get rid of them, then comes the sluggishness. Eating fresh and non-processed foods will eliminate all that extra work so that your body can focus on shedding weight and building muscle! That's the stuff we want =) 

I created this menu for one of my 5 day clean eating groups with ease in mind. As a busy full-time working mom, it's a rare occasion when I have super involved meal prep or lengthy cooking times on a weeknight. (Prep is always done ahead of time for bulk meals!) So, all of the meals on the menu are simple and made with normal ingredients which you might even have in your kitchen already. I also wanted to make it easy for anyone who is trying this kind of meal plan for the first time and show that them you CAN have the favorite meals you're used to, just with healthy modifications which will taste amazing and make you feel awesome.

If you think you might want to give this meal plan a try, please let me know how I can support you through it! The best way I can support you is through my challenge groups. If you want a group of people around you with like-minded goals, who support and motivate each other, and keep each other accountable daily, then a challenge group is for you! Click the link below to complete the registration and inquire about more information. It's free to join and you would be one step closer to achieving those goals of yours. 

Click here to complete the Challenge Group Registration Form

Click here for Becky's Easy 5 Day Clean Eats Menu